
The Embassy of the Republic of Lebanon in Warsaw, is pleased to welcome you to the  page of our website.

We hope that the content and databases are comprehensive and diverse enough to provide the efficient way for your help.

We point out that information available on this site have been updated in line with the regulations and relevant instructions issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants.


The electoral period extending between 31 March 2024 and 30 March 2025

The official preliminary electoral lists – 2022

الإجراءات الجـديدة المتعلقة بالمسافرين القادميـن إلى لبنان
Procedures for travelers coming to Lebanon

The official preliminary electoral lists issued by the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities for the upcoming parliamentary elections – 2022

Lebanese who want to return to Lebanon

Bank accounts for donation against the Coronavirus

Preventive measures adopted to counter the threat of the spread of the Coronavirus

Preliminary electoral lists القوائم الإنتخابية الأولية 31 آذار 2020 – 30 __ذار 2021

Precaution against the Coronavirus epidemic spread

Annonce (multilanguage)

قرار المحكمة الآوروبية

رسالة م بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للمغترب اللبناني

خاص بالمتقاعدين والمستفيدين من المعاشات التقاعدية

إعتماد خدمة البريد السريع



وقف العمل بتجديد جوازات السفر اللبنانية

تعميم بشأن دخول السوريين إلى لبنان