Université de la Sagesse
Lebanese University
American University of Beirut
Haigazian University
Université Saint-Joseph
Lebanese American University
American University of Technology
Beirut Arab University
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
Notre Dame University – Louaize
University of Balamand
Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts
Arab Open University
American University of Science and Technology
Université Antonine
Lebanese French University of Technology and Applied Sciences
Lebanese German University
Lebanese International University
Hariri Canadian University
Lebanese Canadian University
Arts, Sciences and Technology University in Lebanon
Beirut Islamic University
Global University
Islamic University of Lebanon
Al-Kafaàt University
Jinan University of Lebanon
Modern University of Business & Sciences
Makassed University of Beirut
Middle East University
University of Tripoli
Kindly consult the following website: www.mehe.gov.lb/equiv to obtain the necessary information about the regulations and requirements to follow up studies in Lebanon within the official Lebanese educational system or foreign educational system: the International Baccalaureate, the French and the American educational system taught in Lebanon.